Research - Professional Learning Communities
Coaching / Mentoring

Collegial Coaching - Connecting Culture, Language, and Cognition
Robert Price, an education consultant, leading a Collegial Coaching session with Yvette Jackson, Excecutive Director of National Urban Alliance. The collegial coaching is just prior to Yvette Jackson leading a session with new National Urban Alliance consultants. Key elements include the purpose and goals of the session; the frame of reference of each of the new consultants; and the flow of the session. Read excerpts from Yvette Jackson's chapter Closing the Gap By Connecting Culture, Language, and Cognition in the book Student Successes With Thinking Maps.
Watch the Collegial Coaching video clip in Quicktime (6:45)
Watch the Collegial Coaching video clip in Windows Media Player (6:45)

Mentoring Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Student Successes with Thinking Maps, Chapter 16
Kathy Ernst, M.S.
“So many people have come into my classroom with vague advice and comments that have just made things worse. This is the first time anyone’s given me concrete suggestions about what I can do. This has been really helpful—thank you.”
Teacher (after Kathy and colleague used the Flow and Multi-Flow Maps in post-conference supervision conversation)

read more excerpts from Mentoring Mathematics Teaching and Learning from Student Successes with Thinking Maps